Red Rocks: Where The Women Rule The Vortexes (Part 1) Print

Only one word describes Red Rock country: Spectacular! The energy center vortexes and vistas are so bedazzling that it made no difference where we pointed the cameras; we always had a shot. 

If the vortexes do emit energy forces that influence our inner male-female balance, well...uhm…hands down, the women win out in Sedona.  I'm amazed at the number of women who have found the balance between tranquility and power just from cycling here. Thanks so much to Jan A. Sullivan and her friend Gina for guiding me along the Bellrock Pathway and Mystic Trails.  I’m still not a mountain bike expert but my time in Raystown, Pennsylvania and Sedona are quickly diminishing my inhibitions and advancing my love for the activity. My full suspension Trek Bike helps too; I’m astounded at just how much of the work the bike does for me.

If you’re more the road cyclist, you’ll have little problem finding fun here thanks to the efforts of Sedona's Bicycle Coordinator, Dave Singer, who played a large part in building the designated bike lane on Hwy 179. We support his efforts toward proposing the additional bike lane along Hwy 89A – you go Dave! A special thanks to my road cycling partner, Heather Paris. Once the episode airs you’ll help to teach the world that women at any age and skill level can ride. 
Continued next blog…